As our society grows more conscious of our impact on the environment, it has become increasingly apparent that we’re generating too much waste without a reliable way of disposing of it. In addition, we’re utilizing our natural resources at an alarming rate, which risks depletion and could harm future generations. Our actions are contributing to global warming, which is causing unusual weather patterns. For instance, it was 65 degrees in Chicago in February, which is unprecedented. Despite increased awareness, people remain uncertain about the reasons behind these environmental issues. 

In response to a love for fashion and sustainability, BeFrank Effect was created to promote recycling and creativity. Our company owner, Brittani, values our planet and believes that it’s  our responsibility to maintain it in a good condition to reap its benefits. We must coexist with the earth without causing irreversible damage.


What is Sustainability? 

Sustainability is the practice of making conscious choices every day to preserve the health and longevity of our planet. In the fashion industry, sustainability means sourcing ethical and non-disruptive materials, reducing the carbon footprint of manufacturing, producing high-quality products with a low cost per wear, recycling clothing items, and repurposing old garments. 

In 2023, the fashion industry produced 97 million tons of waste, including 18 million tons of leftover textiles, 2.5 million tons of chemical waste, and 3 million tons of packaging materials. With Earth Day just around the corner in April, we’re excited to share some amazing tips with you on how you can join the movement to preserve our planet. 


Ten Tips to Contribute to Sustainability


  • Thrift and repurpose garments to increase creativity: Thrifting not only reduces the demand for new clothing production but also allows for unique and creative outfit combinations. Repurposing old garments through DIY projects or alterations not only extends their lifespan but also encourages innovation and self-expression in fashion.


  • Choose sustainable fabrics and natural dyes: Opting for sustainable fabrics such as organic cotton, hemp, bamboo, or Tencel reduces the environmental impact of clothing production. Similarly, choosing clothing dyed with natural dyes derived from plants or other organic sources minimizes the use of harmful chemicals that can pollute waterways.

  • Maximize the cost-per-wear concept: Prioritizing quality over quantity and investing in timeless pieces that can be worn in multiple ways and for various occasions ensures that each garment is utilized to its fullest potential. This approach encourages mindful consumption and reduces the need for frequent replacements.


  • Recycle garments to reduce waste: Instead of discarding old or worn-out clothing, explore recycling options such as textile recycling programs or upcycling initiatives. Recycling textiles helps divert waste from landfills and contributes to the circular economy by repurposing materials for new products or materials.


  • Wash larger loads of clothes at once to reduce water use: Consolidating laundry loads and washing full loads of clothing reduces water consumption and energy usage associated with washing machines. Additionally, opting for shorter wash cycles and cooler water temperatures whenever possible further minimizes environmental impact.


  • Wear garments multiple times before washing them: Many clothing items can be worn multiple times before needing to be laundered, especially if they are not visibly soiled or odorous. Embracing the practice of airing out and spot-cleaning garments between washes not only conserves water and energy but also prolongs the lifespan of clothing by reducing wear and tear from frequent washing.


  • Shop sustainable brands: Supporting brands that prioritize sustainability in their production processes, materials sourcing, and ethical labor practices help drive positive change in the fashion industry. Look for certifications or transparent sustainability initiatives when choosing where to shop for clothing.


  • Fast fashion is the arch-nemesis of sustainability: Fast fashion thrives on rapid production cycles, low-quality materials, and exploitative labor practices, resulting in significant environmental and social impacts. Avoiding fast fashion brands and instead opting for slower, more ethical alternatives aligns with sustainable consumption practices.


  • Educate yourself on sustainable fashion: Take the time to learn about the environmental and social impacts of the fashion industry, as well as the various initiatives and innovations driving positive change. By staying informed, you can make more conscious choices as a consumer and advocate for sustainability within the fashion community.


  • Clothing swaps are a great way to find treasures and reduce waste: Participating in clothing swaps or organized exchange events provides an opportunity to refresh your wardrobe without contributing to the demand for new clothing. By exchanging gently used garments with others, you not only reduce waste but also foster a sense of community and shared responsibility for sustainable fashion practices.

Join the Movement!

The fashion industry is one of the largest contributors to environmental degradation, but there are ways to reduce its impact. By making conscious choices every day, we can help preserve the health and longevity of our planet. From thrift shopping and choosing sustainable fabrics to supporting ethical brands and recycling garments, we can all do our part to contribute to sustainability. Let’s make a commitment to care for the earth by making conscious decisions that prevent irreversible damage. The ultimate goal is to ensure a brighter and sustainable future for generations to come.